7 Effective Formulas To Improve Productivity!

“Productivity is never and accident. It is always the result of Commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” - Paul J Meyer  

By - Asit Negi 

The Problem of Productivity

We are at the most convenient and comfortable time of our civilization; If not sure ask your grandparents! However along with material comfort, technological advancements are bringing higher amount of peripheral problems and impacting negatively in our personal &  professional life. We all are experiencing in our daily life baring very few percentage of privileged population those who know the art of living! You all understand what I mean to say. Higher percentage of the world’s population is leading life in stress and anxiety. It is impacting negatively on our personal productivity if we fail to co-up and stay prepared for. 

Before moving further on how to improve Productivity , let’s understand where the productivity problem lies.

One of the greatest obstacles to productivity is the superficial paradigm, that life is challenge free. This mindset supports the cognitive brain for taking everything for granted. The tendency of devaluing resources which are available to us free including  the physical resources, the time, the physical and spiritual energy and above all the greatest gift to  us  i.e.  in the form of our human body with a tiny but powerful mind and an amazing " Power of Choice.

The real enemy is not the external pressures or the external environment. The real enemy is our own mindset, which is so complexly  hardwired  that we spend enormous amount of time and energy to sort it out on daily basis.

Everything is in the Mind!

 When we study and understand the mindset of successful personalities, we get to know that, they never allow any urgent day jobs to hijack their mind. They stay focused and they spend quality time in acting on their important goals. They very well know their priorities and when and how to spend their time and energy. They develop their strong internal control mechanism and they never get hijacked by any urgency. That’s how they become more productivity. It is found from the research that, productivity problem is deeply rooted in our mindset. The great news is,  it can be improved with focus and commitment, neuroplasticity and neuroscience has proved it!

Basis to my research and extensive study & practice over and over here are these 7 most effective formulas that if applied judiciously helps us improve our productivity.

 1.Clarify your Purpose: One of the biggest problems of today for majority of us is not having clarity of your own purpose. When we are not clear about our life’s purpose and mission, we get easily carried away by urgency and get deviated from our core objective of life. Setting clear purpose and mission is critical and is a great differentiator in life

 -          Define a compelling purpose statement of life and connect deeply within
 -      Develop a personal Mission statement
 -      Follow your worthy ideal progressively everyday

2. Set SMART Goal : People often fail to achieve their goals ,and one of the biggest reason is that they start their goal wrong at the very first place. So we should be very careful about our goal.  Without a proper goal we do not get direction in life and without direction obviously we tend to lose focus. It push  us to take commitment and initiative. It Inspire & motivates us on daily basis .  It is very important to have a SMART Goal in life. Goal should be  Specific, Measurable, Achievable , Relevant and Time-bound.

-          What get measured get managed - Measure your goal daily & Weekly  
-          Take & declare your commitments to progress toward your goal weekly 
-          Keep a Handy scoreboard for your reference and to check your progress  

   3.Set your priorities right : Everyday in our life, we come across numerous choices and often we get  attracted towards shiny things. We are ready to sell off our moment & easily get captivated, just to find that we have moved away from our goal of life and often it is too late the time we realize the mistake.  Prioritization is to know what matter most to us & staying determined not to compromise with our daily action that moves us closure towards goal and with the value of our life aligned with our purpose. Without setting priorities , we can not manage our time and we can not make progress on our goal. Our ability to achieve goal depends on our ability to prioritize things in life.

 -          Get clear on your purpose , vision , mission and values 
-            List your activities , determine urgent & important 
-            Put most important and hardest task first 

4.Stay Focused and Avoid Distraction: With the advancement of technology we have all necessary information, tools and resources to support us to achieve our goal with excellence. Yet we struggle every moment. With our uncontrolled senses, craving for pleasure, it is easy to get distracted. Especially in this digital jungle where each and every second we are bombarded with attractive and shiny things, potential enough to hijack any pleasure seeking sense.  It takes fraction and immediately we are lost!

To stay focused amid potential distraction is a art and demands commitment. We need to dismiss behavior that lead to distraction. It is all in mind and requires a strong practice. Without being self-aware and conscious about the purpose of life, all methods to manage distraction will fail. So staying focus is deep internal and demands a strong internal  stability.

-          Keep your Vision and goals in mind & stay alert
-          Keep on focusing in 2-3 important task in a day
-          Focus on the smallest part of the task at a time 

5. Do Not Multitask :  Neuroscience proves multitasking reduces efficiency and performance because our brain can focus only one thing at a time. Every time we multitasks we are harming our performance, unless your gifted with the special power of multitasking. According to American Psychological Association,   https://www.apa.org/research/action/multitask#   Shifting between tasks can cost you up to 40 percent of Productive time. Probably not a good option.
-      -          Practice of doing one thing at a time
-          Reward & appreciate yourself in completion of task diligently
-          Practice to do job in hand with focus 

6. Set clear expectation:  In my 25 years of corporate world and managing hundreds of enterprise accounts, I have seen that this is distinctively, one of the  trouble makers in life. You have all ingredients for enhancing your productivity , you are deeply focused , you have set your priorities right , but still if your do not set your expectation right we tend to lose a big chunk of time and energy. Because it impact our trust and trust is one thing that moves everything. Our customer moves away , our family relationship breaks and we internally lose control of life and engulfed with fear and sense of guilt because not setting clear expectation . We pay big price in life and lose ample amount of time and energy just in mending these relationship simply because we are not careful at the beginning to set the expectation right .
 -        Set a clear expectation for  yourself by aligning with your purpose
-          Declare your intent and set expectation right with others
-          Be assertive and learn the art of saying "no" 

7. Practice Great Morning and Evening Ritual: Our life is shaped by our beliefs, expectations and series of thoughts and all these together help us forming our habits and get demonstrated in the form of our behavior to the external world . We are the product of thoughts. Dr. Stephen Covey says- " If you want a small changes in your life , Work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm." Paradigm shift demands change in our mindset , imagination so that we develop the power to see things differently. This demands huge commitment and determination. That start with self and start with  daily rituals, specially early morning rituals. Across the globe, every religious practice has laid emphasis of early morning rituals to all practitioner those who are willing to progress towards achieving life's purpose. Since it is the most productive time for the mind and brain. Successful people never neglect  to use this time and encase this opportunity in their favor.
-     Keep exclusive time for yourself to connect in both morning and evening 
 Practice Meditation and Chanting (Mantra Meditation) 
-   Listen great audios  or read scriptures to develop your belief system

About The Author 

Asit Negi is a life & relationship coach who helps people go from scarcity mindset to abundance mindset .He has a mission to help million individuals getting access to their internal powerhouse and unleash their true potential. As the founder of Lorekin Consultancy ,  He made the leap to entrepreneurship after a successful 25-year corporate career and enjoying every bit of it by helping others.  Prior to this, he held business leadership roles in one of the leading Global L& D Consulting firms as well as CMM Level V Software companies. He has done his MBA  and got Certified in Trust & Productivity, Personal Effectives & Execution .In addition he is an author, blogger and a spiritual guide. 

Email: asitn@lorekin.com



Notes and references -

Some of the prominent Prioritization tools  

-      Important Urgent Matrix - Stephen Covey 
-      Tournament Challenge 
-    Forced Choice Clarification 
-       Decision Matrix
-        Action Priority Matrix

Personal Mission Builder : https://msb.franklincovey.com/

Some of the SMART GOAL setting tools  

-         Goal Buddy
-         Lifetick
-          Milestone planner
-          Basecamp 
-          Todoist


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