Leading Principle Centric Life for Great results!

How to Lead a Principle Centric Life?  

7 Things to start and stop in life.

Asit Negi 

Principle Centricity: Internal Value System  

 Life is unique. Our inspirations, aspirations, and purpose are unique which get discovered with deep introspection with the support of our internal guided mechanism called value system. This system is inherent and based on a principle that is universal & if used it works as a compass of life guiding and directing us in thinking, feeling, and acting. With care and commitment, we move towards excellence and endeavor for creating our own competitive advantage to stand out from the crowd. We march ahead standing unique and creating a sense of self-worth, feeling fulfilled and satisfied. We have our own unique approach towards life and inspire to create an ecosystem to enlighten and guide millions bearing the torch at the front.  

 Life throws challenges and opportunities in front of us every moment in the form of stimulus to demand response from us in fraction of time. Wise & principle centric people pick up choices carefully by using resources judiciously. As Quoted by Viktor Frankl - "Between Stimulus and Response there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."  

Freedom is a very interesting term. Freedom if not used judiciously, often brings arrogance & forgetfulness. We often tend to forget  to express our gratitude for him and start devaluing it. So nature plays tricks with us and we start questioning .. Why Me ? Why it is with me?  

Life is a beautiful and wonderful journey. But in every steps it has its terms and conditions. To abide or not to is our choice, we are constitutionally given freedom . It resembles the public love. If they love , they love with heart and soul but when rejected the same public makes life devastated, many we have seen in history they only prayed to escape but could not be spared . So choice is ours . 

How does it matter ?

As a business consultant & life coach, I experienced , it is our value that makes us unique and inspires us to move forward in life, it helps us set our objective and vision clear, and makes us move forward step by step. It is the value that helps us identify our interest, inclination, inspiration, and also creates a connection within and without.

However, unfortunately many of us tend to neglect this wonderful opportunity. As a general practice, we tend to neglect small basic things in life. In the race of achieving bigger and seeing bigger picture , We often neglect small basic thing in life,  taking it for granted as if it plays no role in life. We lose control in life drop by drop just to realize towards the end that it is gone and already  late , like leakage of water pipe, We feel free to let go of time like water in leaking pipe .We never get back those time and we lose control blissfully and unintentionally . Eventually we get overpowered by guilt and repents. 

People are smart to detect signals, though we often are blissfully unaware. It reflect in our day to day life and we grow arrogance blindfolded. Along with Value too get neglected.  

When we neglect our value, with immediate effect we start losing connection. When  value get neglected,  we pay bigger price in life. We have seen in our history, in past , in Epic and in every Civic society . It is everywhere it gives us ample opportunity to learn  from others mistake!

 There are obviously many benefits in identifying and living with strong value, here are the 7 key prominent benefits. Values help you: -


1.        Finding your true self, your purpose and mission of life

2.       Staying congruent and developing an inside out approach

3.       Developing emotional stability and managing difficult situation

4.      Respecting self and others and to create a Win-Win situation

5.       Leading a principle centric life & inspiring others

6.      Guiding internally & focusing on your priorities

7.       Managing & adapting change  



 How to revive our most neglected values?

 7 things to stop and start in life  

 1.        Stop living on other priorities & Start living on your own - 

We imitate others and get victimized, often forget core objective of life and start livings on other priorities. We forget our own and we are busy meetings with other expectations. Our priorities and goals get hijacked by urgency. When we live a prinicple centric life guided by value, we stay focused with our mission and we are clear where we want to be and what to do. We set our priorities right. 

Action:   Start writing your goal and mission of life, set your priorities of life right.

2.       Stop getting diverted  &  Start fixing with goal- 

We are attracted by shiny things and these shiny things take away our moment from us. We are carried away by these attractive things and start diverting from our core focus. Start reconnecting with your core value, core purpose, and objective and stay connected and stay focused. Stay alert of your goal and set what is the most important action you must take on a daily basis to achieve your objective. Define your important action items with precision & with clarity. It demands focus and practices consistently on a daily basis.

Action: Be aware about the subjects that attracts and deviate your attention from your goal. Stay alert  

3.       Stop living in imagination & Start  living in reality –

When we are attached to our past or living in future we tend to neglect our now nd later in daydreaming. They should always show us the rosy and imaginary picture. We either overestimate or underestimate ourselves and we tend to neglect our daily job and simple routine activity. When we fail to achieve our expectation, we bring pressure and stress to self. Stay focus on your priorities, Set up your important, and focus on your daily important job. 

Action:  Find out one are the maximum two things if you do consistently and persistently on a daily basis, you will get impact on life.

 4.       Stop following blindly & Start reflecting

 Shiny things attract us and we are ready to sell off our present moment for these. With this attraction, we just jump into action, following blindly anticipating, hoping on achieving we shall get a great amount of happiness,  later to discover that the ladder we climbed so far was hanging in the wrong wall. The happiness we were expecting was just trapped.  Often we are very late to discover that the road we walked was not our chosen path, it was leading us in the opposite direction. 

Action:  Start reflecting, start having your life compass & follow it ensuring you are reaching to your destiny with focus.


5.       Stop Daydreaming  & Start enjoying action

Many of us are attached to results, & excessive attachment to the results leads us to stress and frustration. When our expectation does not match, it leads us to devastation. So stop attached to the result and start focusing on action, enjoy the process. When we are focused we are in the current state and there is no stress in the current moment and there is more enjoyable since you will be more focused on putting the best of your action. It is the mantra of most successful people. 

Action: Define the process and put action. Find joy in the action in abundance & stay away from attachment to results.    

 6.      Stop Blaming & Start carrying your weather

When we neglect our value we lose connecting with our core and our internal compass i.e. our guidance mechanism stop guiding us. We lose focus and start moving away from our now to either in the past or in the future. We enter into the stress zone and we get victimized from metastasizing cancer – Complaint, condemn, Criticize and compare, etc. and start making excuses, blaming situations, and others for our failure. However, when guided by the value we take responsibility. Accountability and ownership are the byproducts bringing lots of energy along with.

Action:  Take Ownership and be responsible for your own life 

7.       Stop fearing of failure and start renewing self 

Success and failure are part of life, two sides of the coin. When we neglect our value, we get buckled down under the pressure of failure and we start feeling low. Life is not just about losing and gaining. When we are not connected we are overwhelmed with success and devastated by failure, however when we are guided by our value, we accept success and failure alike as a process of learning and we start adapting. We gain both in success and in failure. We adapt and accept change and stay prepared by embarrassing new things, situations, and stay prepared by focusing on our learning. 

Action: Accept Failure and learn from  mistake 

Key Take Away  :   

Value gives us a direction in life, a strong purpose, and a commitment to abide. It’s a compass that gives us an outlook, an approach to lead a principle centric life.

 I am sure this 7 Stops and Starts action points will help you in taking charge of your life.

About the Author: 

Asit Negi

Asit Negi is a Life & Business Coach, a Spiritual Seeker, an Author & a Responsible Thinker. Asit loves to grow in life by helping others grow. An MBA with 23+ years of corporate experience in Sales, Management & Business Leadership. With a transformation mission & to bring a positive impact in society. He has served top MNCs including fortune 500 & CMM V level companies. As a spiritual practitioner he loves lecturing on Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic culture actively.

Connect: asitn@lorekin.com

Linkedin :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/asit-negi-389b94a/



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